Walk for Sean 2021-a Fantastic Success!

A huge thank you to all those who both took part in the WFS 2021 and contributed in any way. At the time of writing we have raised £3500 and know there is still a little more to come.

Through your time, effort and financial support we can now commit to the refurbishment of the toilet blocks at Brewerville School. This small but significant step is vital in helping children to be educated in a healthy and positive setting, ever more important in today’s uncertain world.

This lovely video, received just before the Walk for Sean expresses in a joyous way, the gratitude of the school for the contribution that the Fund makes to the continuing education of children.

The photos below capture both the magic of the day and why we are all doing it!

All ages (and their pets) came together under an autumn sun to walk, talk and raise monies for the children of Liberia.

And just in case you missed out on the fun, this film from Mark Chatterton capture the day perfectly, including some wonderful dancing in this film!

Finally, if you would still like to help us, there are 3 ways:

1) Kerrie Young is in the early days of a mammoth sponsored walk of over 4000 miles for SDCF. She was there on Sunday and did another 5 and may still be going in a year or two but she would appreciate any contributions to support her endeavour. https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/KerryYoung11

2) The limited Edition WFS 2021 shirts are still available for £10+pp, just contacting us by email from this website

3) You can still start your own WFS 2021 or just donate at any time between now and the end of the year.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped make Walk for Sean 2021 a great success!