Trustees visit: November ‘22
We are delighted that Steve, Mark and Theresa are currently in Liberia (November) for our twice postponed progress and review visit in Liberia.
They have a hugely busy programme and we will update you on all that they see on these pages.
The first two days have been spent visiting our school in Brewerville as well as other schools in the Monrovia area where more of our sponsored children attend through the VOS scheme.
The Trustees are visiting to help understand how donor money is being used and to see what the needs are in the future. The team on the ground in Liberia, led by Amadu and John, coordinate all SDCF activity on behalf of the Trustees and all those who support the fund and see these visits as vital. Opportunities to talk to the Head, teachers, parents, children and the governing board are vital in helping us to tailor finite resource in the best way possible.
A busy day concluded with a fantastic example of how small things we take for granted can be so beneficial. The team were coincidentally on hand to unload the lorry from Ghana that bore 200 solar lamps 1500km to benefit directly the education of all our students.
The arrival of Solar Lanterns, courtesy of the generous donation from the Derek Moore Foundation.
Your Sponsorship
We like to keep saying thank you to all our sponsors and supporters; without you children would quite simply not receive an education in many instances. However, it is better to let people express this for themselves as you see in these videos from our sponsor beneficiaries on the VOS programme.
The arrival of 200 solar lanterns heralds a significant task for John and the team in Liberia. The lanterns will have huge educational and safety benefits for our children and their families; the job of the team is to distribute them and to ensure that they are passed down from one student to another as needs dictate. These photos illustrate the task and thanks to the team in Liberia for all their efforts in making this a success.
Food & sustainability
There are many ways that your support is utilised to help with education in the community. One slightly different approach we have supported for a number of years is a farming collective to help nourish the young people and their families. Mark, Theresa and Steve visited the collective on the current visit as you can see in this brief video.
Forget the World Cup
Forget Qatar, Liberia is where it is really happening as these pictures show!. Hindered only by the presence of our Trustees, a football feast was one of the final parts of Liberia 2022. Great to see Sean’s logo on the shirts and young people enjoying sport, exactly as he would have hoped.