Graduation Day
Over the years we have shown many pictures of young children who have attended our schools as a result of your Sponsorship. It is therefore our great pleasure to show some of those same children, but this time as they Graduate from the Brewerville school.
Your continued support helps to make this happen and there cannot be a better testimony to the difference it makes than these pictures.
Congratulations to all the young people and their families and let us hope that one or two may be in a position to benefit from our new Sean Devereux-Celia Reuter Bursary.
In their own words…..
The details of our programme are below and we hope you can become one of our sponsors. There are no better words to understand how your sponsorship money helps than the stories in the latest newsletter from our volunteers in Liberia. The video below, plus more content on our Liberia 2022 page clearly show how our sponsor programme benefits children and their communities.
Without your support and money this could not happen!
Thank you
The SDCF Sponsorship Programme
Our primary objective is to help children benefit from an Education, something that it easy to take for granted. The principal means we employ is our sponsorship programme, where from just £0.50 a day supporters can directly sponsor children to go to school. If you would like to be a sponsor you can download the form and complete it with this link: Sponsor Form
Once completed you can email it back to us or post it if you prefer.
What does being a Sponsor Involve?
We ask for a minimum commitment of £15 per month for a period which sees a young person through a substantive part of their school years.
This contribution is exclusively used to pay for children to attend schools in Liberia (as illustrated below). It covers the costs for more than one child for an academic year. Currently over 300 children are covered in the scheme in schools in Brewerville and throughout the capital of Monrovia.
We have support workers on the ground in Liberia and will update you via newsletters and the website on the schools and their activities.
Our support team are now equipped with laptops and cameras for the very first time so that we can share with our sponsors the benefits of their commitment.
A picture from the school at Brewerville
We would be delighted if you would consider joining the sponsorship scheme and will happily provide more details if you contact us using this form.