Sean's story
Sean Devereux was assassinated in Somalia in 1993 whilst working on a food distribution programme for UNICEF.
Sean's family lived in Yateley in Hampshire and he was educated at Salesian College in Farnborough. The Salesians are a teaching order and it was this background that led to him entering teacher training after school and his first teaching role was at Salesian College in Chertsey.
"In adverse and often dangerous circumstances, Sean showed complete dedication to his work. Sean was an exemplary staff member and gave his life serving others. Sean was a real solider of Peace."
(UN Secretary General, Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali)
Sean’s sudden and tragic death was met with outrage which resonated all over the world and in the immediate aftermath, Sean’s sister, Theresa, and Sean’s father, Dermot set up The Sean Devereux Liberian Children’s Fund with the help of many friends and family. It was initially a restricted fund of The Salesians of Don Bosco and the aim was to raise 100,000 pounds to continue Sean’s original work in Africa helping poverty-stricken children in Liberia. Money continued to come in and a few years later Sean’s parents, Maureen and Dermot, established The Sean Devereux Childrens' Fund for the education and humanitarian support of children in Africa with its own charitable status.
Since 1993, the fund (originally called the Sean Devereux Liberian Children's Fund) has generated over £1.25m for children in Liberia, Tanzania, Burkina Faso and Somalia amongst others.
We estimate that over 11 sea containers full of equipment and supplies have been shipped in that time.
Thank you to all the dedicated trustees of the SDCF, past and present, who have worked tirelessly over the years and to the many friends and family who have supported this work. It would not have been possible without you.